Meeting of the coordinators of the project partner universities
On May 10-12, 2023, a meeting of coordinators of partner universities of the Project Erasmus + HARMONEE / Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programs in OccupatioNal and Environmental Health /618829-EPP-1-2020-1- IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP is being held at the University of Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands).
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the outcomes of the project and to prepare for the International Days of the project in partner universities.
- Claudio Colosio – Project Coordinator, Professor of the Department of Public Health, University of Milan, Italy;
- Utrecht University, the Nitherlands;
- International Higher School of Medicine, the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Osh State University, the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Non Commercial Joint Stock Organization (NCJSO), Kazakhstan;
- Karaganda Medical University (NCJSO), Kazakhstan;
- Semey Medical University (NCJSO), Kazakhstan;
- Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Tajikistan;
- Khujand State University Named After Academician Bobojon Gafurov, Tajikistan;
- Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan;
- Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan.

- Modules ready for implementation
- Research projects ready to finish before final conference
- Blended learning implemented
- Research project
- Research cycle
- Embedding in current projects
- Writing a research proposal
- Supervision in master research project
- Formative and summative assessment
- CA examples of projects
- Interdisciplinarity in research?
- Blended learning
- Piloting of elements of modules
- Each group will practice an element of their developed module (1 hour element, 30 min discussion)
- We need to make sure beforehand that a variety of elements is piloted
- Evaluation tools for modules (peers and students)
- Options for blended learning
- Implementation of modules
- Piloting of elements of modules
Research project
Follow-up from webinar series
Intermediate presentations of team research projects

Academic mobility under the Erasmus Plus HARMONEE project

- International Higher School of Medicine, Kyrgyzstan;
- Osh State University, Kyrgyzstan;
- Kazakh National Medical University, Kazakhstan;
- Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan;
- Semey Medical University,Kazakhstan;
- Avicenna Tajik State Medical University,Tajikistan;
- Khujand State University, Tajikistan;
- Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan;
- Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan.
Vice-Rector for Internationalization University of Milan (Italy), Professor Antonella Baldi;
Project coordinator, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy) Claudio Colosio.

- Community building
- Working face to face on modules
- Set clear expectations for whole project
9 modules are finished
Study guide for whole master programme is finished
Participants know how to start their individual research project between summer school I and II.

Online training workshops
Since November 04, 2021, within the framework of the Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programs in OccupatioNal and Enviromental hEalth/HARMONEE project, online training workshops are ongoing at the Universities of Milan (Italy) and Utrecht (the Netherlands). The training is conducted by the representatives of the universities-partners, as well as by the professors of IHSM. As part of the workshops, the reports were presented on the following issue:
• Epidemiology and statistics
• A unified approach to healthcare
• Occupational health
• World population health
Based on the results of online workshops, joint modules on master's programs for the universities of Central Asian will be developed.
List of universities-partners:
1. International Higher School of Medicine
2. Osh State University
3. Semey Medical University
4. Kazakh National Medical University
5. Karaganda Medical University
6. Avicenna Tajic State Medical University
7. Khujand State University
8. Bukhara State Medical Institute

Online meeting workshops
From November 04, 2021, in the framework of the project Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programs in OccupatioNal and Enviromental hEalth / HARMONEE, online training workshops are being held at the Universities of Milan (Italy) and Utrecht (Netherlands). The training is conducted by representatives of the project universities-partners. As part of the workshops, reports were presented on the following issues:
• Epidemiology and statistics
• A unified approach to healthcare
• Occupational health
• World population health
Based on the results of online workshops, joint modules on master's programs for the universities of Central Asian will be developed.
List of universities- partners:
1. International Higher School of Medicine
2. Osh State University
3. Semey Medical University
4. Kazakh National Medical University
5. Karaganda Medical University
6. Avicenna Tajic State Medical University
7. Khujand State University
8. Bukhara State Medical Institute

Intensive English language Course
In the framework of HARMONEE project/Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programmes in OccupatioNal and Environmental hEalth International Higher School of Medicine was successfully conducting an Intensive English language course for the administrative staff and teacher of the IHSM. Course was training more than twenty members. The Intensive English language course had been held since March, 2021. Course lasted four months up to July 2021. The course was conducting the advanced group (B 2 on the European scale of foreign language proficiency, Upper – Intermediate Level) and the beginning group ( A 2 on the European scale of foreign language proficiency, Elementary Level). At the end of English language courses all participants successfully passed exams.

June 24, 2021 Bishkek International Higher School of Medicine
Associate Professor Kenesh Dzhusupov
Meeting participants:
Kenesh Dzhusupov, Aliia Bazhanova, Marina Tropman, Jelena Stankeviciene, Chinara Adamkulova, Roman Kalmatov, Tatiana Kalganova, Svetlana Jasic, Janna Dotalieva, Imankulova Baktygul, Medelbek kyzy Aimira, Nurgul Daminova, Sabira Mustakova.
Agenda of the event
1) Summer school in Issyk-Kul, Agreement on the date
To date, due to the unstable epidemiological situation of covid around the world, and the increase in the number of cases in Kyrgyzstan, large-scale events are prohibited. However, at the moment, we can only plan the program, place, date of "Summer school in Issyk-Kul".
So, the draft of the program is complete. The summer school in Issyk-Kul is scheduled for 21.08-20.08.21 at the Akun hotel. 7 universities from Kyrgyzstan will take part. At the end of the training, the participants will be given certificates. The venues of the event are being actively booked now. The working group prepared the project reporting forms.

Kick-off meeting of the project-working group
June 17, 2021 Bishkek International Higher School of Medicine
Agenda of the event
- Preparation for trainings in Milan - Dzhusupov K.O.
- Discussion of current issues - Dr. A.E. Bazhanova
List of participants:
Dr. K.O. Dzhusupov, O. Denisova, Dr. A.E. Bazhanova, Dr. B.N. Imankulova, А. Kamchybekova, Dr. E.E. Ten, Dr. Ch.T. Sulaimanova, M.I. Mairikova.
1. K.O. Dzhusupov: Preparation for trainings in Milan
To participate in the 10-day training, which will take place in Milan in November 2021, you must provide your CV and a motivation letter. Topics of study are environmental health, occupational diseases, clinical and occupational toxicology and zoonotic diseases ("one health"). Participants will be selected after a preliminary interview for their English level. The interview will be conducted by the responsible persons from the University of Utrecht. It will be possible to enter the country only after vaccination. Sputnik V is recommended. But it is necessary to have a PCR analysis.
2. A.E. Bazhanova : Discussion of current issues.
In July, English language courses are completed. The preparation of this report is nearing completion.
Access of teachers to work in "MOODLE" is open. Responsible Musabaev U.
On-line monitoring of the HARMONEE project
April 30, 2021 Bishkek International Higher School of Medicine
Agenda of the event
1. Launch of the project - Dzhusupov K.O.
List of Participatns:
1. Dr. Kenesh Dzhusupov, University project coordinators IHSM
2. Dr. Asel Usenova, Vice - Rector for academic affairs IHSM
3. Gulnara Chokusheva, the National Coordinator of the Erasmus +
4. Aliia Bazhanova, Dean of the postgraduate studies IHSM
5. Oksana Denisova, working group member IHSM
6. Dr. Baktygul Imankulova, working group member IHSM
7. Altynai Kamchybekova, working group member IHSM
8. Dr. Elena Ten, working group member IHSM
9. Dr. Cholpon Sulaimanova, working group member IHSM
10. Dr. Roman Kalmatov, Osh state University
11. Zhanybek Muratov, Osh state University
On April 30, 2021, in the conference hall of the International Higher School of Medicine, the National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ program in Kyrgyzstan monitored the project "HARMONIZATION AND MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF MSC PROGRAMS IN OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH". The purpose of monitoring is to assess the success of the project implementation launch process at the time of monitoring, as well as to obtain information on current results. The meeting began with detailed reports on the work done within the project.
During the monitoring were discussed issues related to the monitoring procedure and the availability of project quality assurance mechanisms. It is necessary that each university has an idea of what is expected within the framework of this project. The university should know its responsibilities, functions of each team member. Based on the results of each monitoring will be given an assessment of the effectiveness of the current stage of the project implementation. At the end of the meeting, by Ms. Chokusheva G.R.- the National Coordinator of the Erasmus + Program in Kyrgyzstan, were made recommendations.

April 15, 2021 Bishkek International Higher School of Medicine
Agenda of the event
1. Presentation of the project with the work plan - Dzhusupov K.O.
List of participants:
2. Dr. Asel Usenova, Vice - Rector for academic affairs
3. Aliia Bazhanova, Dean of the postgraduate studies
4. Oksana Denisova, working group member
5. Dr. Baktygul Imankulova, working group member
6. Uran Musabaev, working group member
7. Altynai Kamchybekova, working group member
8. Dr. Elena Ten, working group member
9. Dr. Cholpon Sulaimanova, working group member
10. Madina Mayrikova, working group member
Press release on the kick-off meeting
Meeting of the Academic council of IHSM
April 14, 2021 IHSM, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan on-site/online
Agenda of the event
1. Status of the HARMONEE project in the ISM
2. Project’ outcomes
Staff of IHSM
Representative of Kazakhstan embassy in Kyrgyz Republic
Prof. K.K. Toguzbaeva and her colleagues from KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov
Meeting of the Academic Council was conducted on April 14, 2021. Dean of postgraduate studies presented a report on the implementation of Erasmus Plus projects. Report included information on the tasks of the projects and the results obtained during the implementation of these projects.

February 11th – 12th, 2021 Milan
Agenda of the event
1.The HARMONEE project Workplan and tasks
2. Project management and administration. Tasks of the single units; reporting; communication
3. The organization of the activities
4. Administrative issues
List of participants:
1. Dr. Carlo Imarisio, EACEA
2. Mrs. Gulnara Chokusheva, Head of the National Erasmus Plus Office, Kyrgyzstan
3. Mrs. Monica Sinibaldi, International Educational and Training Agreements and Projects Office, University of Milan
4.Dr. Zafar Aminov, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
5. Dr.Aliia Bazhanova, International School of Medicine, Kyrgyzstan
6.Dr. Kenesh Dzhusupov, International School of Medicine, Kyrgyzstan
7. Dr. Khuseyn Egamnazarov, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
8. Prof. Umeda Gaforova, Khujand State University, Tajikistan
9. Dr. Gavhar Jarilkasinova, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
10. Dr. Rabiga Khozhamkul, Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
11. Prof. Roman Kalmatov, Osh State University, Kyrgyzstan
12. Dr. Zaituna Khismetova, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan
13.Dr. Olzhas Zhamantayev, Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan
14. Prof. Mieke Lumens, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
15. Prof. Claudio Colosio, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Kick-off meeting programme