Scientific internship of the assistant of the Special Surgical Disciplines Department Sidikova Margarita

Delegation from the UK visited IHSM

The Development of doctoral education and research capacity of Kyrgyzstani Academia
The Conference November 3-4, 2022
In a rapidly changing world, the role of science in creating a sustainable economy and society is enormous. Science meets society's needs and aims at improving society's well-being and solving its global problems. Science produces new knowledge and applies it in various sectors of the country's economy.
Within the framework of the DERECKA project, a number of measures have been implemented, and specific results have been achieved to improve the research competencies of doctoral students and scientists. So, such competencies were increased susceptibility to innovation, the ability to generate new ideas and offer non-standard solutions. In this regard, the development of PhD programs is an essential factor in strengthening the research potential of Kyrgyzstan.
Individual results of scientific research of doctoral students and scientists will be presented at the final conference, as well as the main achievements of educational institutions in the formation of the PhD Institute in Kyrgyzstan.
Objectives of the final conference:
• Exchange of experience and report on the implementation of PhD doctoral programs at
universities by members of the DERECKA project consortium;
• Demonstration of the scientific potential of PhD doctoral students;
• Development of PhD culture in Kyrgyzstan through disseminating the DERECKA project results.
• Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic
• National Erasmus Plus Office in Kyrgyzstan
• Committee on Social Policy of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Council for Science, Innovation and New Technologies by the Chairman of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
• National Academy of Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
• National Attestation Committee by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic
•Universities implementing PhD programs: administrative staff, researchers, supervisors, PhD students
• Accreditation agencies
• Representatives of business communities
• Universities, members of the DERECKA project consortium.

- Akhunbaev S.M. - Rector of IHSM;
- Usenova A.A. - Vice-rector for Academic Affairs;
- Eremenko V.V. - Vice-rector for the Quality of Education;
- Dzhusupov K.O. - Project Coordinator;
- Kutmanova A.Z. – Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, M.D., Professor;
- Isakova F.B. - Head of the Sector for Academic and Methodical Work;
- Omurkulova B.I. - Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Visit of Professor Tatyana Kalganova to IHSM
On September 7, 2022, the Director of the Center for Postgraduate Studies of Brunel University, London, UK, who is the partner in the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project Professor Tatyana Kalganova, visited IHSM. During the visit to IHSM, a meeting was held with the Rector of IHSM Akhunbaev S. M., the vice-rector of education Usenova A.A., the project coordinator Dzhusupov K.O., the dean of PGE Bazhanova A.E.
During the meeting, the parties discussed cooperation within the framework of the DERECKA project in order to strengthen the research and innovation potential of IHSM, as well as the development of academic mobility of teaching staff and students.
The program of the visit also included a tour of the academic buildings and the IHSM Medical Clinic VEDANTA.

Round table
Development of the research potential of Kyrgyzstan through PhD programs
On August 29, 2022, the Round Table «Development of the research potential of Kyrgyzstan through PhD programs» is held within the framework of Erasmus Plus DERECKA The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA (609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-PKA2 JP).
Venue: Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic named after. K. Dikambaev, Bishkek, 720040, Erkindik boulevard, 36
The purpose of the round table is to discuss the results of the DERECKA project and develop measures for further cooperation between stakeholders on improving the content and quality of doctoral programs in Kyrgyzstan.
- Summarize the DERECKA project outputs (results achieved, strengths and weaknesses, lessons learned during implementation);
- Determine the necessary activities and conditions for the further implementation and improvement of the quality of doctoral programs in accordance with the needs of stakeholders;
- Consider and discuss the existing barriers and recommendations for improving the competencies of the teaching staff and attracting qualified specialists to academic and scientific work in universities;
- Improving the administration of supervising PhD programs;
- Discuss opportunities and necessary steps to establish long-term and sustainable cooperation between relevant government departments, specialized universities and the business community to train highly qualified personnel that meet the needs of priority sectors of the economy of Kyrgyzstan;
- Promoting a PhD culture among academia, stakeholders and the general public in Kyrgyzstan.
- Partner universities of the Erasmus + DERECKA project – «Development of Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academia»
- Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan
- Other universities of the Kyrgyz Republic
- National Erasmus+ Office in the Kyrgyz Republic
- National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform in the Kyrgyz Republic
- International experts providing assistance
- Representatives of the business community

Сonducting training within the framework of the project DERECKA
On August 22 - 23, 2022, on the basis of the International University of the Kyrgyz Republic (IUKR) and the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA), the trainings are held as part of the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project (The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA ( 609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2 CBHE-JP) with the representatives of the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, the project members.
The trainings are conducted by professors of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany): Professor Marina Tropmann-Frick and Professor Michael Gille. The trainings cover the following issues of organizing PhD doctoral studies:
- Requirements for the right to award doctoral degrees and the quality-oriented implementation of PhD doctoral studies;
- Training of scientific advisers for postdoctoral students.

From June 20 to June 26, 2022, summer school trainings are held as part of the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA (609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2 CBHE-JP). The organizer of the summer school is Brunel University London, London. Representatives of administrative staff, researchers, supervisors and doctoral students from 7 universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as representatives of European partner universities participate in the summer school trainings. This training is aimed at getting acquainted with the experience of implementing doctoral programs at universities in the UK:
1) Familiarization with the admission procedures of applicants to doctoral studies;
2) Acquaintance with the basic requirements for writing scientific papers and scientific articles;
3) Familiarization with the requirements for doctoral dissertations;
4) Study of the regulation on the organization for defense of doctoral dissertations.

Meeting of the Management Board of the DERECKA project
May 27, 2022
- Kenesh O. Dzhusupov, coordinator
- Aliia E. Bazhanova, International school of medicine
- Jelena Stankeviciene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Roman Kalmatov, Osh State University
- Davletaliev Djoldoshbek, Kyrgyz national agrarian university
- Zhanna Dotalieva, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
- Svetlana Jasic, EXO Launch Gmbh
- Adamkulova Ch.U., Diplomacy Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR
- Kalganova Tatiana, Brunel University
- Preparation for the round table;
- Recommendations to the Regulations (guidelines) on the scientific guidance of doctoral students;
- Reports.

From May 16 to May 20, 2022, summer school trainings are held as part of the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project (The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA (609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2 CBHE-JP) on the basis of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg), Germany. The trainings are attended by the administrative staff, scientific leaders, professors of the Kyrgyz partner universities such as:
- International Higher School of Medicine,
- International University of the Kyrgyz Republic,
- Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic,
- Kyrgyz State University of Transport and Architecture Construction named after N. Isanov,
- Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Skryabin,
- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov,
- Osh State University.
Agenda for DERECKA project's participants

On May 13, 2022 a Round table was held to discuss the work of summer school of The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA (609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2 CBHE-JP). According to the results of the summer school training sessions, all participants of the partner universities of the project were awarded certificates for successful and productive work.

From May 9 to May 13, 2022, summer school trainings are held as part of the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA (609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2 CBHE-JP) with participation of representatives of partner universities on the basis of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) , Vilnius, Lithuania. Trainings are conducted by professors of foreign universities participating in the project. The following IHSM employees take part in the summer school trainings:
- Subanbekova G.M., Head of EMD
- Bazhanova A.E., Dean of PG Studies
- Dzhusupov K.O., Head of the Department of Public Health, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Lim E.F., Head of the Department of Special Surgical Disciplines, Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor
- Vishniakov D.V., senior teacher of public health, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
- Yuldashev I.M., Professor of the Department of Special Clinical Disciplines, MD.
Purpose of the Summer School:
- Getting acquainted with the rules for admitting applicants to the doctoral program
- Getting acquainted with the basic requirements for writing scientific papers, scientific articles
- Getting acquainted with the requirements for doctoral dissertations
- Studying the regulations for organizing the defense of the doctorate
Agenda for DERECKA project's participants

Meeting of the Management Board of the DERECKA project
March 24, 2022
- Kenesh O. Dzhusupov, coordinator
- Aliia E. Bazhanova, International school of medicine
- Jelena Stankeviciene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Bekboeva R.R., International University of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Roman Kalmatov, Osh State University
- Marina Tropman, HAW Hamburg, Hamburg
- Zhanna Dotalieva, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
- Daminova Nurgul, Diplomacy Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR
- Adamkulova Ch.U., Diplomacy Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR
- Tatiana Kalganova, Brunel University
- Visit of the Kyrgyz group to Vilnius, Hamburg and London;
- Internship of PhD students in Europe;
- Round table;
- Final conference on the results of the project;
- Regulations on scientific leadership.

Meeting of the Management Board of the DERECKA project
February 24, 2022
- Kenesh O. Dzhusupov, coordinator
- Aliia E. Bazhanova, International school of medicine
- Jelena Stankeviciene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Bekboeva R.R., International University of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Roman Kalmatov, Osh State University
- Marina Tropman, HAW Hamburg, Hamburg
- Zhanna Dotalieva, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
- Svetlana Jasic, EXO Launch Gmbh
- Daminova Nurgul, Diplomacy Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR
- Visit of the Kyrgyz group to Vilnius and Hamburg;
- Visit of representatives of the universities of Hamburg, London and Lithuania to Kyrgyzstan;
- Internship for doctoral students;
- Round table in Kyrgyzstan;
- Website of the project.
Meeting results:
1) The visit of the Kyrgyz group to Vilnius will take place on May 9-13, 2022.
2) Visit to Hamburg - May 16-20, 2022
3) Visit to London - the second half of June.
4) The round table in Kyrgyzstan will be held on June 6-10, 2022 (Marina, Elena and Tatiana with their colleagues will be able to participate).
5) A delegation of 6 people comes from each Kyrgyz university - 4 supervisors and 2 administrators.
6) It is necessary to fill in the Questionnaire for issuing an invitation for visas - VGTU, HAW and UBRUN.
7) Each university completes this questionnaire by February 28, 2022.
8) Each Kyrgyz university urgently agrees with European partners on the scientific supervision of 2 doctoral students and prepares their 2-month internship (study) in one of our European partner universities
9) Each university is required to prepare a monthly press release for the project website or one PDF newspaper.
Minute of the meeting

On January 19, 2022, with the participation of the project coordinators and working groups, as well as representatives of the quality working groups of all participating universities, an online session was held with an independent international expert of higher education, Professor of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nazokat Kasymova. She announced the results and recommendations based on the external evaluation and other questions on Quality Assurence.
Professor Nazokat Kasymova presented "Summary report on the independent external evaluation of the mid-term phase of the project for the period from March 2020 to September 2021."
Observation and analysis were carried out using a specific evaluation score: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The design, implementation and results of the project were evaluated.
The project evaluation was carried out to examine the institutional analysis to achieve the project results and to inform about the current development measures:
- progress
- achieved results
- allocation of funds
Press - release

17.01.2022, within the framework of the Erasmus Plus DERECKA project, online meetings have started for scientific supervisors, teachers and administrative staff involved in the implementation of PhD programs, on the theme of the summer school "Development of Doctoral Studies and Research Potential of Kyrgyzstan", which was held in August 2021 .
Decree №07 of December 23, 2021 approved the schedule of online meetings and the list of speakers.
Covered topics:
1. Code of academic ethics. 17.01.2022, 17.00-18.00
2. The specifics of the scientific guidance of PhD students. 19.01.2022, 17.00-18.00
3. Management of the doctoral program 20.01.2022, 17.00-18.00
List of speakers:
1. Dzhusupov K.O. Head of the Department of "Public Health";
2. Sharshenova A.A. Professor of the Department of "Public Health";
3. Vishnyakov D.V. Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health;
4. Yuldashev I.M. Professor of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, KSMA;
5. Denisova O.G. Dean's Office of Postgraduate Studies Specialist;
6. Sidikova M.M. Head teacher of the Department of Special Surgical Disciplines,
PhD student:
7. Turdumambetova M.A. Associate Professor of the Department of "Public Health";
8. Duishenkulova M.K. Lecturer at the Department of "Public Health";
9. Imankulova B.N. Lecturer at the Department of Public Health, PhD student.

During the visit, a meeting was organized with the faculty members of IHSM on the topic: Data science techniques - application for healthcare.
Marina Tropmann-Frick is professor for Data Science at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. She is a leader of master’s degree programme for Computer Science at the university. Her teaching includes courses around data science and analytics together with algorithms, mathematical and statistical foundations for computer science, architecture and modelling of information systems.
The research activities of Marina Tropmann-Frick focus on data mining, predictive and visual analytics, big data, machine / deep learning (explainable / responsible).

December 03, 2021,
International University of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Chuy ave. 255, Room 203
Conference ID: 707 150 3021 Pass code: xANiG3
Participants of the monitoring:
Prof. Ainura Abduzhalalovna Adieva, rector of the IUKR. Prof. Kenesh O. Dzhusupov, project coordinator,
Assoc. Prof. Rakhat R. Bekboeva (IUKR), Ms Sabira G. Mustakova (IUKR),
Mr. Cholpon Dzhumagulov (IUKR), Dr. Aliya E. Bazhanova, (IHSM),
Assoc. Prof. Zhaina Zh. Dootalieva (KSTU), Dr. Aida M. Myrzakanova (KGUSTA),
Dr. Joldoshbek A. Davletaliev (KNAU), Prof. Chinara U. Adamkulova (DAMID),
Prof. Roman K. Kalmatov (Osh State University),
Prof. Jelena Stankeviciene (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), Dr. Tatiana Kalganova (Brunel University London),
Prof. Marina Tropmann-Frick (University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg), Ms. Svetlana Jasic (EXO Launch, Berlin),
Prof. Nazokat Kasymova, independent auditor (Tashkent State University of
Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan)
15:00-15:10 – Meeting with the rector, Prof. A.A. Adieva 15:10-18:00 – Meeting with the project participants:
15:10-15:30 – Progress in the project realization – Dr Kenesh Dzhusupov
15:30-15:45 – The Quality Assurance measures of the DERECKA – Mrs Svetlana Jasic 15:45-16:00 – Short report on independent audit of the project – Prof. Nazokat Kasymova 16:00-16:10 – Dissemination and visibility of the project – Prof. Jelena Stankeviciene
16:10-16:20 – The project budget status. The equipment purchases – Akzholtoy Abikova and Cholpon Dzhumagulov
16:20-16:30 – The progress in the development of PhD programmes – Dr Rahat Bekboeva 16:30-17:00 – Relevance, impact and sustainability of the DERECKA project – Dr Kenesh Dzhusupov
17:00-17:30 – Discussion
17:30-18:00 – Conclusion of the monitoring
Press Release Monitoring DERECKA

- Administrators of doctoral programs of Kyrgyz universities have been trained on the specifics of doctoral programs and their administrative and managerial competencies have been improved.
- Academic staff and supervisors of PhD doctoral students have been trained by improving their research and managerial competencies.

Summer school program

June 17, 2021 Bishkek International Higher School of Medicine
Agenda of the event
- Preparation for the "Summer School" in Issyk-Kul - Aliia E. Bazhanova
- Preparation for licensing the fc program - Aliia E. Bazhanova
No. |
Name of participants |
organization |
position |
1 |
Kenesh O. Dzhusupov |
University project coordinators |
2 |
Aliia E. Bazhanova |
Local WP leader, Dean chaiman of meeting |
3 |
Ainash A. Sharshenova |
4 |
Dmitry V. Vishniakov |
5 |
Baktygul N. Imakulova |
secretary |
1. Preparation for the "Summer School" in Issyk-Kul - Aliia E. Bazhanova
Development of PhD doctoral programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic: results and challenges
April 21, 2021 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Purpose of the round table was to discuss the implementation of measures of strengthen research and innovation potential in Kyrgyzstan by promoting the PhD system and to develop events for further cooperation between the parties on the improvement the content and quality of doctoral programmes in Kyrgyzstan
Agenda of the event
- Summarize of the work done (achievements, strengths and weaknesses, lessons learned in the implementation process).
- To define the necessary measures and conditions for further introduction and improvement of doctoral programmes in accordance with the needs of stakeholders.
- Review and discuss existing barriers and recommendations to improve the competences of teaching staff and attract qualified professionals to academic and scientific work in universities.
- Improvement of the PhD educational programmes administration.
- To discuss the possibilities and necessary steps for establishing long-term and sustainable cooperation between relevant government departments, specialized universities and the business community for the training of highly qualified personnel, responding to requests from priority sectors of the Kyrgyz economy.
- Promoting PhD culture among academia, stakeholders and the general public in Kyrgyzstan
- Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan
- Representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development
- Representatives of the Zhogorku Kenesh Kyrgyz Republic
- Project GIZ «Vocational Education in Central Asia» (VECA)
- National Office of Erasmus+ Kyrgyzstan
- National team of experts on the reform of higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic
- University Partners of Erasmus Project+ DERECKA - " The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academia"
- International experts providing assistance
- Representatives of the Business Community
- International Higher School of Medicine
Programme of a Round table

April 15, 2021
Agenda of the event
- Preparation for the Round table
- Financial report July 2021
- Equipment tender
- The preparation of the PhD Handbook
- Summer school in Issyk-Kul
Meeting participants:
Kenesh Dzhusupov, Marina Tropman, Jelena Stankeviciene, Chinara Adamkulova, Roman Kalmatov, Tatiana Kalganova, Svetlana Jasik, Milena Medineckiene, Nurgul Damirova, Sabira Mustakova, Venera Baichekirova, Aliia Bazhanova, Janna Dotalieva, Imankulova Baktygul, Dzumagulov Cholpon, Medelbek kyzy Aimira.
- A regular coordination meeting was held with the participation of partner universities representatives. At the meeting was discussed the final program of the upcoming round table. Letters of invitation have been sent for participation to all partner universities. As part of the monitoring of the project, we conducted a survey of scientific leaders, graduate students, PhD students, management of 20 universities. After processing, the first analysis of the survey will be announced at a roundtable that will be held online on April 21, 2021. All information, with videos and photos about the work of the project, is highlighted on the websites of partner universities, as well as on the project's Facebook page.
- In July, an interim report is planned, which will include a financial report, work will begin on an electronic form of a technical report.
- Equipment is being purchased, there are minor delays in delivery. Osh State University was one of the first to fully complete the process of purchasing equipment, made an opening and all information with photographs, a report was drawn up and sent to the coordinators.
- The preparation of the PhD Handbook / Manual is in the process.
- Preparation of the initial program for the summer school begins, which, in the course of drafting, can be supplemented, edited and commented on. If it is possible to organize a summer school in Issyk-Kul offline, it is important that high-speed Internet is available at the venue for work efficiency.

Meeting of the Academic council of IHSM
April 14, 2021 IHSM, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on-site/online
Agenda of the event
1. Status of the DERECKA project in the ISM
2. Project’ outcomes
Staff of IHSM
Representative of Kazakhstan embassy in Kyrgyz Republic
Prof. K.K. Toguzbaeva and her colleagues from KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov

January 21, 2021 International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek
Agenda of the event
1. Report on the development of QA indicators for implementing of the PhD program in the IHSM
List of participants (name, organization, position) /target groups and size
No. |
Name of participants |
Organization |
Position |
1 |
Svetlana Jasik |
ExoLaunch, Berlin, Germany |
Responsible for DERECKA project QA system |
2 |
Aliia E. Bazhanova |
IHSM project coordinator, Dean, Chairman of the meeting |
3 |
Ainash A. Sharshenova |
working group member |
4 |
Dmitry V. Vishniakov |
working group member |
5 |
Baktygul N. Imakulova |
secretary |
The IHSM working group held an online meeting with Ms. Svetlana Jasik, ExoLaunch, Berlin, Germany, responsible for the project QA.

January 14, 2021 International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek
Agenda of the event
1) Financial Reporting;
2) DERECKA Quality Plan (Ms. Svetlana Jasic, EXOLAUNCH);
3) Planning KG National round-table on PhD;
4) Planning the next training sessions (summer school);
5) Dissemination
Prof. Jelena Stankeviciene, Associate Professor Kenesh Dzhusupov
Meeting participants:
Kenesh Dzhusupov, Aliia Bazhanova, Silke Kuehl, Marina Tropman, Jelena Stankeviciene, Svetlana Jasic, Mirlan Chynybaev, Nurgul Daminova, Chinara Adamkulova, Roman Kalmatov, Joldoshbek Davletaliev, Aida Tologonova, Tatiana Kalganova, Sabira Mustakova, Janna Dotalieva, Medelbek kyzy Aimira

Name of participants
Kenesh O. Dzhusupov
University project coordinators
Aliia E. Bazhanova
Local WP leader, Dean chairman
of meeting |
Ainash A. Sharshenova
working group member |
4 |
Dmitry V. Vishniakov |
working group member |
5 |
Baktygul N. Imakulova |
Secretary |
Monitoring was conducted on December 02, 2020 in the International University of the Kyrgyz Republic, granholder of this project.
Svetlana Jasic, the representative from the EXO Launch, Berlin, presented The Quality Assurance of the DERECKA. Then with short reports there were presentations of UBRUN, HAW, EXoLaunch, VGTU, IUKR, IHSM, OSU, KSTU, KSUCTA, KNAU and DAMID. Project participants also shared the current situation on the development and approval of regulations governing the implementation of the PhD program.

September 11, 2020 International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek
Agenda of the event
1. Monitoring the preparation of publications for the forthcoming IV Annual international interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Innovations in the field of medical science and education".
List of participants
№ |
Name of participants |
Organization |
Position |
1. |
Orozaly J. Uzakov |
Vice-rector for scientific affairs and state language |
2. |
Arystanbek O. Atykanov |
Head of the research and analytical department |
3. |
Aliia E. Bazhanova |
Dean of the postgraduate studies |
4. |
Nurgul T. Rysalieva |
Head of the postgraduate research sector |
5. |
Gulnara M. Subanbekova |
Head of the academic department |
6. |
Margarita M. Sidikova |
Doctoral student |
7. |
Gulzat K. Omorova |
Doctoral student |
8. |
Natalia Li |
Doctoral student |
9. |
Indira M. Joldosheva |
Postgraduate student |
10. |
Dolon E. Zaripov |
Postgraduate student |
11. |
Lira A. Imanbaeva |
Postgraduate student |
Vice-rector for scientific affairs and state language Orozaly J. Uzakov and head of the research and analytical department Arystanbek O. Atykanov informed doctoral students and postgraduate students about the forthcoming IV Annual international interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Innovations in the field of medical science and education" to be held on October, 23-24. Information of the IHSM scientific journal “Eurasian Medical Journal”, the first issue of which is planned to coincide with the date of the conference.

On July 03, 2020 Zoom

As a part of the implementation of «The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani Academy / DERECKA. 609918-EPP-1-2019-1-KG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP» project a scheduled working group on-line meeting was held at the International Higher School of Medicine, June 29, 2020.
Agenda of the event
1. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
2. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
List of participants
No. |
Name of participants |
Organization |
Position |
1 |
Kenesh O. Dzhusupov |
Project’ coordinator, Head of Public health department |
2 |
Aliia E. Bazhanova |
Project’ local co-ordinator, Dean of PGE, chairman of meeting |
3 |
Asel A. Usenova |
Vice-rector for academic affairs |
4 |
Ainash A. Sharshenova |
Prof. of Public health department |
5 |
Dmitry V. Vishniakov |
Ass. prof. of Public health department |
6 |
Uran Musabaev |
IT-specialist |
7 |
Baktygul N. Imankulova |
Teacher of Public health department |

On June 11, 2020 Dean’s Office for Postgraduate Studies IHSM conducted an on-line meeting.
Agenda of the event
- The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacities of Kyrgyzstani/DERECKA
- Status of the Ph.D programme in the Kyrgyzstan
- Problems with implementing the Ph.D programme in the International Higher School of Medicine.
The purpose of this on-line meeting was to learn about the introduction of Ph.D programmes in the normative documents of Kyrgyzstan and the status of Ph.D programmes in Kyrgyzstan. Familiarize yourself with the new procedures and implementation of the Erasmus+ programme.
During the online meeting, all of our doctoral students received new information on the Ph.D programme and answered all questions.

On June 17, 2020 the Ceremony of awarding of completion for the Intensive English language course

Agenda of the event
1. Presentation of the project — Dzhusupov K.O.
2. Discussion of the work plan — working group
No. |
Name of participants |
Organization |
Position |
1 |
Kenesh O. Dzhusupov |
University project coordinators |
2 |
Aliia E. Bazhanova |
Local WP leader, Dean Chairman of meeting |
3 |
Ainash A. Sharshenova |
Prof. of Public health department |
4 |
Dmitry V. Vishniakov |
Ass. prof. of Public health department |
5 |
Baktygul N. Imakulova |
Secretary |
To monitor the organization and conduct of the following events by responsible people in the working group:
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictive measures adopted in the Kyrgyz Republic, amend the deadlines for the implementation of the tasks for the implementation of the project points.
Divide some items on the implementation of the work plan into subparagraphs.
To seek international experience in the implementation and development of Ph.D programs in the research potential of the country.

On March 16, 2020 the representatives of the International Higher School of Medicine Kenesh Dzhusupov and Aliia Bazhanova took part in the meeting of Erasmus+ projects selected for financing on the basis of the results of the 5 contest of project proposals organized by National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan.In 2019, 34 project proposals with the participation of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic were submitted. Of the 34 projects, two projects were selected for financing, including the DERECKA project, with the participation of the International Higher School of Medicine. The budget of each project is about 1 million euros.The purpose of this meeting was to get familiarize with the new procedures of project management of Erasmus+ program, with reporting requirements and acquaintance of projects with each other.

Erasmus + project kick-off meeting