Aim and objectives
Specific objectives of the project are:
The wider objective of the project:
To improve professional competencies of the faculty in the field of Environmental & Occupational Health and Public Health;
To revise and update the existing master’s degree and Ph.D. programmes in Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Public Health;
To develop a new master’s degree programme in Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Public Health tailored to local needs;
To introduce new teaching methods and quality assurance mechanism for Master studies;
To establish educational laboratories at target universities for graduate students;
To establish e-learning systems at partner countries universities to support regular students, correspondence students as well as professionals in life-long learning.
The wider objective of the project:
To strengthen research capacity in the field of environmental health (public health) and to contribute to information sharing and capacity building between higher education institutions of the European Union, Central Asia, and India.