Aim and objectives
Aim of the project:
Harmonization and mutual recognition of MSc programs in Occupational and Environmental health.
Specific objectives of the project are:
Specific objectives of the project are:
- The development of new modules for strengthening of disciplinary skills required in the field of Public Health, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, exposures sciences, occupational health, risk assessment for MSc students. This will strengthen the local expertise in surveillance programmes and addressing regional Public Health hazards by generating skilled MSc graduates.
- Building local capacity by training teachers in the development and running of MSc education in Public Health. This will respond to the need for a sustainable educational output in Public Health MSc programmes.
- Improving the level of educational and research competences and skills in participating HEIs within Public Health related fields. Expertise will be expanded to other teachers within the institutes.
- Fostering and expanding existing regional and international network regarding Public Health education. This responds to the need to align with EU educational programmes and to benefit most optimal from the new build expertise in the region.
- The implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in Public Health education. Global changes, obviously affecting CA as well, require to recognize the connectivity of different fields.