Call for External Evaluator
Terms of Reference
The BERNICA project consortium searches for subcontracting an External Quality Expert (EQE) to provide an independent review, including recommendations, on the achievements of the project implementation and the overall performance against plans and objectives.
In lieu of an individual expert, the Consortium will consider applications and proposals by organizations (companies, agencies, foundations) specialized in monitoring and evaluating educational projects at the European level. The proposal by the organization has to identify the name of the staff (individual expert(s)) who will perform the assignment. Overall, the staff has to demonstrate the skills and experience required for individual EQE. The fee mentioned in this Terms of Reference is intended as the maximum contract value for the engagement as EQE, being the contract assigned to an individual expert or an organization.
1. Summary of the BERNICA project
The BERNICA project is aimed at fostering education and research capacities of the Central Asian region in the promotion of healthy nutritional habits to improve the health of the population.
Eight medical universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan with the support of two European Universities will build local expertise in the development and running of innovative curricula in Nutrition & Dietetics in line with Bologna principles and ENQA standards through a series of training sessions. All Partner Countries’ universities will develop different future-oriented courses/modules with innovative learning scenarios targeted for the various auditorium – undergraduate, and graduate students, working medical doctors, and nurses.
European partners will share their knowledge and good practice with the purpose to Increase the research and innovation capacities of target universities in this field.
The fulfillment of the project activities will lead to fostering regional and international networks through joint initiatives and sharing of good practices in education, research, and practice in Nutrition & Dietetics.
2. Expertise and skills required for the external evaluator
The candidate must have at least an MSc degree in any area, but Educational Sciences is preferable.
Skills and experience
EQE has to demonstrate some relevant skills, including:
- Proven professional experience in the evaluation process and monitoring process of international collaborative projects (previous experience in EU-funded projects is an asset);
- Understanding of quality processes, expected activities, outputs, and quality review processes;
- Knowledge of the Bologna process, Erasmus+ projects, HE system, and Quality Assurance (ESG); Regional and partner countries’ expertise, partner countries’ higher education system knowledge;
- Language skills (advanced knowledge of English and Russian);
- Ability to effectively communicate evaluation results and
To provide a professional and independent review, the individual EQE shall not have any concurrent contractual engagement with the consortium members.
3. Tasks and Deliverables
- to provide one-day training for the BERNICA quality group;
- to review BERNICA processes and products, according to the evaluation criteria of relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development effectiveness, impact, and sustainability, for project/program evaluation;
- to prepare the intermediate (on Month 18) and final (on Month 36) external evaluation reports;
- every 6 Months to provide feedback in the form of online sessions on quality assurance processes and methodologies to the project consortium
- Trained BERNICA quality group members;
- Mid-term report about project implementation provides an external perspective on achievements so far reached and the overall performance of the Project against plans and objectives; it also provides recommendations on the various aspects of Project implementation, including quality of the deliverables, consortium working relations, internal communication, processes, results, ;
- The final report ensures an external and professional perspective on project processes and results and captures the overall quality of the project in all its aspects. It also provides valuable lessons learned and good practices to inform partners' work in further exploiting project results beyond its lifetime;
- A series of feedback sessions provided for the BERNICA consortium members will strengthen the implementation of the project
Conditions for the service
EQE is provided full access to all project documentation to empower her/him to carry out a thorough assessment of the project. EQE undertakes to carry out the required service within the specified timeframe. EQE agrees to maintain the confidentiality of data generated or disclosed during the provision of the needed service.
4. Total Fee
The total fee for the engagement of the EQE is up to EUR 3,000.00, with all taxes included.
5. Deadline and requirements for the application
The deadline for presenting the application for the job is May 20, 2023. The application shall be sent by email at the address:
Applicants shall present their CVs, clearly demonstrating the skills, competencies, and experiences required in these terms of reference. In addition, the applicant has to submit a short memo/abstract on how he/she intends to perform the assignment.